About me

What’s good? Welcome to my website, WorldOfPoison, where I keep it real about everything. This is my about page, where I introduce myself a little, almost like it’s middle school again.

On this platform, I go by the name Royal Poison. I am the last of the 90’s babies, born in 1999. I am a Texas resident, and a military vet. I did 3 years in South Korea as a chemical soldier.

Living working, and partying in a foreign country is what made me passionate about world travel. It’s the reason I started learning other languages, and ultimately why I created this blog. I hope to be succesful in creating value for my readers, so that I can afford to explore our world more. So far I’ve only been to Korea and Peru, but I have my mind on south east Asia, and Africa.

I enjoy philosophy, debate, and history. I like to write and get my ideas out, which is another main reason I started this blog. To show you my perspective, the ideas and opinions that flow through my mind, a roadmap to my conclusions. I hope that by having my voice  heard, I can find like minded people, and maybe we can start something incredible together.

I want this blog to be a place on the web where you can expect entertaining, good-quality, thought-provoking content, be it funny, serious, taboo, informative, or anything else under the sun.

This is a first for me, so it’s going to be a work in progress, but I am for it. If you have any suggestions, feel free to speak on it. You can get in touvh with me from the contact me link found at the bottom of, and on the sidebar of  my homepage.



Drunk as hell at a Mexican wedding

Since I’ve been studying Spanish, I decided to get drunk with some Mexicans, and soak up the vibe.

Now, i’m sure not everyone there had citizenship, but I do know two things for sure. I ain’t no snitch, and them mfs know how to cook, on god.