Why Pee At all?
If we want to avoid dehydration, why do we expel so much water from our bodies? Our kidneys remove nitrogenous wastes such as urea, out of our blood, along with salts and excess water, and excrete them in the form of urine. Urea is a chemical that is created when our bodies break down protein. Another main chemical called creatine, is created as a by-product from using our muscles normally. Uremia is life-threatening because too much nitrogen in our blood will act toxic to the body.
So basically, everytime you pee, you get rid of this stuff. We need to drink liquids so that our bodies can rid themselves of these toxins, among the body’s other hydration needs. Although, it can’t be overlooked that it is better to drink your pee, or even someone else’s pee, than to suffer the consequences of dehydration if no other liquid is available and suitable for drinking. Pee is 95% water which has been filtered through the body.
Who Would Drink Piss?
You may be surprised upon hearing that people sometimes willingly drink pee outside of the need for survival. In some regions of some parts of the world, drinking pee has even been a cultural practice. China, India, the Aztec empire, and Egypt have, in some areas, engaged in such practices for thousands of years. It is believed to have positive therapeutic effects. There are some scientific studies showing that urea, the second largest component in pee, has some antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.
So Can I Drink My Piss Or Not?
Generally, it is safe to drink pee. Obviously you wouldn’t hydrate yourself as well as you would if you had drank water, but the amount of toxins in urine is pretty low. You can do your own research on news stories of disaster survivors who had no source of water, so drank their own urine for several days to keep from dying of dehydration. Eventually the method would stop being effective, as your piss would become more and more concentrated. Even still, urine is pretty starile, and is mosty water, so your first few drinking sessions will hydrate you good enough to function normally.
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